Fear is rampant as emotional contagion dominates discourse

Fear runs rampant at these times due to the fear of covid-19 and, for those who want the vaccine, the fear that the vaccine will not be the right one or will wear off.  This fear is natural, except that it is irrational.  It is natural because we are feeling the after-effects of the epidemic, which really isn’t over yet. I just heard of a man in the hospital for an operation, here in Canada, but he caught covid-19 there in the hospital and died of covid. This makes us scared; it could be us. So it is natural to have fear, but on the other hand, it is not healthy, because the only thing to fear about now is fear itself. FDR (Franklin Roosevelt) was right when he said “So, first of all, let me assert my firm belief that the only thing we have to fear is fear itself—nameless, unreasoning, unjustified terror which paralyzes needed efforts…”[1] in our case, efforts to rise above all the pandemonium and think sensibly. For example, vaccinations are safe and effective. There is no need to be anxious about the vaccination. 

I have had both vaccinations against covid and have had many others in my life. I am not feeling any after-effects and have not heard of anyone dying from the vaccinations, but have heard of many dying from covid, over 626,000 in the U.S. and over 4,000,000 worldwide. Also, there is no need for a booster shot yet. Dr. Fauci has said that the vaccination is effective and safe. I believe him.  If you don’t believe him, you are letting fear take over. You have to face the fear and do it anyway.  Get the shot even if you are afraid of it. 

Let’s look at the facts. Facts will help us think reasonably. Serious adverse events after the vaccine are very rare. Any reports of death from the vaccine, such as fatal heart attacks, are not likely caused by the vaccine itself. Reports of death after the vaccine are very rare, according to the CDC, the Centre for Disease Control and Prevention in the U.S. There were 6,207 deaths after receiving the vaccine according to the CDC website, out of the 339 million doses that were given up to July 19, 2021, and there was no proof that the vaccine itself actually caused those deaths. That means that there is a .002% chance of death even if the vaccine being the cause of death could be established. Probably these people had serious health issues anyway and may have been likely to die soon, sadly. Remember that little is guaranteed in life, you could get run over by a bus after getting the shot, although the chances of this are also very very very rare. Many have died from Covid-19 recently because they haven’t gotten the shot. The only reason we would need a booster shot is in the future, if the two shots begin to wear off. It doesn’t mean the shot is weak now.

People let fear take over if they worry that two vaccinations is not enough right now.  It is enough. You are safe if you have had two vaccinations.  But after about a year or so you may need a booster shot. There is no certainty yet. The effectiveness of the vaccines is not forever. But it is effective now. Possibly herd immunity will click in after some more time passes and Covid-19 will be much less frequent in the future but still something some people may catch and die of, if we don’t get vaccinated now and get booster shots in every year or so.

Remember – emotional thinking takes us to the extremes – on one extreme we see people afraid the vaccination is dangerous and refuse to get the vaccination, and at the other extreme we see people afraid the vaccination won’t work, or it will wear off right away and we will need a booster now.  Avoid these extreme thoughts, they are signs that emotions have infected your thinking.  You may have caught fear and suspicion from others through emotional contagion.  Check the facts and the data instead. Don’t let fear paralyze our efforts to fight this.

[1] http://historymatters.gmu.edu/d/5057/

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